Sunday, December 23, 2012

NFL - Mute Sound and Enjoy The Game

I've found the ideal way to watch NFL on TV.  Mute the sound!!!

Once again today I made an effort to watch the Washington Redskins football game.  This game was on FOX TV.  As I've mentioned before I typically TiVo the game and begin watching it about the start of the second half.  I typically get to the end of the game about the same time it completes.

Today as I was watching the game I found myself turning down the volume since the announcers were beginning to talk so much they were getting on my nerves.  Finally, I decided I'd try muting the sound.

It was amazing.  I could still watch the action of each play and given all the game data that's also displayed on the screen, I always knew what down it was and with the graphics I knew how many yards were needed for a first down or goal.  It was amazing, with no constant verbal drivel and commercials in my ears I found I could also think about the plays and the game without being swayed by commentary.

Since I also typically use the slow fast forward between plays, I watched the whole game and enjoyed the final 3 quarters with no verbal COMMENTARY. 

Would this approach work for everyone, probably not.  But, it will be my approach to NFL from now on.  If I actually watch a game, it'll be with no sound.

JD, saving my hearing here in the BToS

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