Monday, June 16, 2014

Just What is EARLY VOTING?

Primary election day here in the Free State of Maryland is scheduled for June 24, 2014.  Unfortunately, I have some medical stuff scheduled for that Tuesday.  I figured I'd give the EARLY VOTING a chance to capture my important opinions for this primary.

I was on my way to my local credit union that opens at 9 AM and it was a little after 9 when I left home.  Decided to stop by the EARLY VOTING place over on Mission Road here in Howard County.  I got over there and the sign on the door said they were CLOSED!  It was around 9:20 AM.  Turns out they don't start 'early' voting until 10 AM.

If they aren't gonna start until 10 AM I may as well be going to Costco, they open at 10 AM too.  I went on to the credit union, did my business and headed back to the EARLY VOTING location.  It was about five minutes before 10 AM.  I went on in and was greeted by a nice bunch of seemingly laidback folks manning the facility.

They told me they weren't open yet, but I could be in front of the queue if I wanted to stand in line or I could go out into another room and sit on the couch.  I decided to hang around and jaw a bit with the lady.  I asked why they call it 'early' voting if it doesn't begin until 10 AM.  She informed me that 'early' refers to the calendar, not the clock.  I could tell she knew I was just pickin' at her.

I must say that it was a simple, straight-forward voting process and only took a few minutes once I got going.  So my primary voting is done as shown by this sticker.
JD, here in the Big Town of Savage proudly wearing his 'I Voted' sticker, even if the EARLY VOTING wasn't 'early'.

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