Saturday, January 26, 2013

Sunday Paper Arrives Saturday Morning

I've always enjoyed sitting by the front window in the morning to read the paper.  Sunday mornings especially were quiet with a little Bluegrass Country playing in the background and me digging through the Sunday Washington Post or Baltimore Sun.  I found it was a good way to spend close to an hour reading the comics, sports and news.  Then if I was really energetic I'd peruse the ad inserts and maybe find a worthwhile coupon or two.

Seems that the newspaper delivery paradigm has shifted.  All of the special Sunday paper sections are now delivered along with the regular Saturday edition of the newspaper.

I guess logically that could be a good thing in that I could get a one day head start on all the ads and special sections.  But, it doesn't really work that way for me.  Where Sunday morning is typically quiet and laidback, Saturday mornings are just the opposite.  Saturday is hustle bustle for the whole world.  The roads are busy, people are walking up and down the street, there's action in the yard next door and for me it's difficult to devote time to all the extra newspaper sections.

I've decided to change my approach to the morning paper on Saturday and Sunday.  Even though the delivery guy brings the really heavy paper on Saturday and the puny little Sunday paper on Sunday, recently I have begun to separate the Sunday inserts from the Saturday delivery.  Then when the Sunday paper arrives, I perform the delivery guy's job and assemble the Sunday paper with the Saturday delivered Sunday inserts.

Now I'm back to reading the complete Sunday paper on nice quiet Sunday mornings and scanning the scanty Saturday paper on busy Saturday mornings.  You're right, I have to store the Sunday inserts for a day and hope they don't get lost before Sunday morning, but...

JD, here on a Saturday morning preparing to perform the Saturday set aside of the Sunday inserts.

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