Saturday, January 17, 2009

Kudos from the BToS

I am still amazed at the great work of everyone involved the rescue effort Thursday on the Hudson River, just EXCELLENT! Kudos from the BToS for the crews of the vessels and the rescue crews that removed those 155 people to safety under such horridly cold temperatures.

I award Major Kudos from the BToS to the Captain and Crew of US Airways Flight 1549. What a great job!!!

"The plane's flight crew -- Captain Chesley B. "Sully" Sullenberger III, and the first officer Jeffrey Skiles -- were able to bring the disabled plane in for a textbook ditching on the river. All 150 passengers and five crewmembers onboard were able to evacuate the plane, and were picked up by a flotilla of water taxis and river patrol vessels in the area." - Aero-News.Net

I also think some credit has to go to the plane manufacturer, Airbus, and aviation professionals in general. That rascal took the beating of being ditched in the water by a professional and hung together and remained afloat until the rescue efforts were complete. The engines may have been ripped from their mounts by the force of the water when the plane ditched, but the wings and fuselage were in place and not broken apart.


PS - Not to demonstrate (or maybe to demonstrate) my innate cynicism about the EMSM, the whole affair started mid-afternoon and was over in time for the 6 PM news!!! It definitely won't interfere with either the MLK Day celebration on Monday nor the Obama Coronation on Tuesday. What more could major TV networks ask gotta luv the timing of it all...and yes I can be very cynical at times!

1 comment:

Susan Spencer said...

My husbands wishes me to note that the wings for that airplane were manufactured in his hometown on Bristol, England and they are quite proud of the way their wings performed under stress : -)