Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Today was the Day

That's right boys and girls, JD's front door wreath was taken down at noon on President Obama's Inauguration Day. That glorious rascal held out as long as it could, but the needles were drying substantially and were ready to begin falling on the floor of my foyer to join the other debris from the past 8 years since I last cleaned house.

Just as US Presidents pass on to the glorious US Trash Heap of NOT-Washington when their final term is over, this little wreath will also pass on into the super-trash bag tonite for pickup by the highly-esteemed Howard County contracted trash collectors early Thursday morning.

I would ask you to say a short prayer for the wreath, but it seems to me that we've been doing an awful lot of praying lately for the folks on that downed airplane and our new President...so we've probably just about worn out the 'prayer-listener gizmo' for the short term.



SavageMdUSA said...

Ah..I'll miss the old green ring...The bow wasn't bad either...Well, there's always next year. I may tape a Xmas card on my door and join in the fun..I know that my Credit Union will send me one. That's about it.

Susan Spencer said...

Yay! The wreath lived a good long life, nearly a month past Christmas. It was time to let it walk towards the light.