Sunday, March 08, 2009

I'm Lazy -- Snow On Deck

This is neighbor "Crazy Ray" after a morning of shoveling along with my snow blowing to clean off the two large surface area driveways in the foto below. Only thing Ray loves more than shoveling snow is having a really big lunch at Ma's Kettle after all that work!!!
I'm a lazy kinda guy. We had almost 8" of snow Monday morning. After running the snow blower for 90 minutes or so cleaning driveways, I couldn't get excited about cleaning the snow off the rear deck surfaces and stairs. Fortunately, the wind gusts took a bit of it off the deck.
I'm letting nature remove the snow that I'm too lazy to move. This foto shows a half-gallon jar that contained Paisley Farm Four Bean Salad, about 8.5" tall, that I set in the deck snow. We can use the snow position on the jar to measure progress.

Note: I just set the jar down into the snow; thus there could be a half inch or so of packed snow under the jar. I'll try to post a new foto each day. Given Tuesday's projected high temp of 29, I don't expect a lot to go away tonight and Tuesday, but with some of that March sunshine, who knows???
This foto taken Tuesday around sunset shows some progress in the snow melt, maybe 1.5" or so. Nature is working its magic even tho the high temp for today was only 27 according to the BToS Weatherbug Site.
This foto taken Wednesday at 5:33 as the sun was setting shows an uneven surface to the snow as the sun and warmer temps today worked their magic a bit. The sun is to the south which is to the left in this foto; hence the high spots on the right of the jar, which shades the snow surface from the sun.

I also notice a right tilt to the jar vice previous left tilt. That could be from either the sun melting a bit of the packed snow under the jar or from a curious critter; although I noticed no footprints in the snow around the jar.

Temps were considerably warmer at 36 today according to the BToS Weatherbug Site. Warmer temps in mid-40s forecast for Thursday, so we should see considerable progress in the next report. Possibly it'll all be gone...
This foto was taken around 5:35 Thursday during a setting sun. It shows that almost all of the snow has melted from around the jar. The high temp today was around 48 degrees according to the local Weatherbug site. That was a bit higher than the 44 that was forecast.
As you can see from this foto, the spot that the jar sets in is shaded except for the final 2-3 hours of the day. I took a look earlier in the day and there was just about 1/2" of packed snow/ice under the jar. That also melted today. So the earlier measurements of the snow depth were a bit shy due to that.

I'm predicting that Friday will bring this saga of nature's maintenance of my deck snow to a close. Tonite's low temp is forecast to remain above freezing, 35, and the forecast high temp for the BToS on Friday is 58 degrees.
Final foto taken Friday around 3PM. I'm still lazy, but was able to use my deck and stairs as the rear entrance to my house today. What I was entirely too lazy to take care of (cleaning snow from decks), nature did for me in a matter of 4 days. Ain't life wunnerful!

Thank you Mother Nature!!!



SavageMdUSA said...

Wow! That's exciting. I can't wait to see the results.

SavageMdUSA said...

That Crazy Ray is a majestic looking character. What a guy, to help ya out!

SavageMdUSA said...

I'm getting goosebumps. I can't wait for tomorrow's update!

Susan Spencer said...

I'm excited about it too--in fact, I feel a tingling sensation up my leg. Oh wait, that's MSM talking about bad. Sorry.

But I really do look forward to the next installment.

SavageMdUSA said...

and your deck is clean!!!

crabman1944 said...

I thought my life was exciting! Taking pics of snow melt really gets it.