Thursday, July 23, 2009

Computer Slow -- Brain Slow -- Old Age

I had finished going thru my emails this morning; you know, the obligatory items you have to read, the jokes you can't resist, the Obama cartoons and of course the serious political BS items, when I looked out the window and noticed the sky was dark with no visible sun. Decided to visit the weather site to check the radar.

I clicked on the browser icon and waited an inordinate amount of time for it to pop up (seemed like a minute but probably only a few seconds). By the time it became visible, I had forgotten what I wanted to use it for!!! After a few seconds I retrieved the thought and clicked on the weather radar favorite (bookmark) and up popped the radar, showing no rain in area.

This is not the first time for this has happened. Obviously it's a symptom of something, but what???

Short term memory loss; initial stages of Alzheimers?

Distracted by something else on computer desktop, like image of LB (Lane Bryant) model gal (yes even old farts get distracted by full-bodied ladies).

First browser startup since powering on computer this morning was inordinately long, thus allowing mind to wander.

Checking weather wasn't high on priority list...

I guess I'll just have to tie a string on my finger as a reminder prior to clicking the browser icon in the future!!!

Old Fart JD

PS - It's obvious that I need to do more research into this one. It's not the first time it's happened and likely won't be the last. What was that I was gonna research, I forgot...oh, yeah, now I remember...

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