Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Saturn - Will he or won't he???

My son-in-law is spending two nights with me this week. As I mentioned in Monday's Stomach Stretch report, his presence definitely has an effect on my calorie count, altho I was pretty good last evening with the grilled boneless rib steak, baked potato and cucumber, onion and black olive w/balsamic vinaigrette salad (my concession was no bread).

He showed up with a different vehicle Tuesday evening, a Saturn Vue. He and my daughter have been looking at them for a while now and decided recently to replace their small Mercury mini-van that was getting to the 'high mileage' point in its life.

They both really like the Vue (not NBC's View); the way it drives, its storage amenities, its ease of maneuverability and especially the amount of vehicle they got for the money from local Saturn dealer in York, PA, close to their residence.

Son-in-law mentioned to me last night over dinner that the only problem was that his left leg was a little uncomfortable after the 90 minute drive to work Tuesday morning. He said the position was different from what he was used to and that he wasn't sure that he could make it work since the Vue will be his regular commute vehicle.

Dealer has given him the option of bringing it back for a different vehicle if it doesn't work out. I had to adjust the seating and steering wheel position last evening when I took it for a test drive. I made a couple of suggestions that he might try, but we'll see how it goes.

I told him that he could just keep it and give it to me as I certainly think I could drive it around here; that is when I'm not riding the Valk, driving the ol' van, driving the Toy Truck (TT) or driving my work truck...well you know how it is when you have a lot of vehicles in your driveway. :-)


PS - I'm sure I'll get a report back from son-in-law later in the morning after he completes the approximate 20 mile drive from here to work; or possibly after his 90 minute drive home this evening.

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