Monday, July 20, 2009

Stomach Stretch - Eat Too Much - Update 8

It is most certainly Monday, following a week of delay in reporting on the Stomach Stretch. It's time for this week's update of the Monday morning weigh-in.

255 - 18 May
254 - 25 May
251 - 1 June
249 - 8 June
247 - 15 June
246 - 22 June
246 - 29 June
246 - 6 July
243 - 20 July

It is still a slow go, but at least the ol box turtle is heading in the right direction again and not wavering between 'go' or 'no go'. Two weeks with no change, then a week with the missed weigh-in and finally seeing a bit of weight loss this time.

I certainly wasn't expecting any significant loss at the morning weigh-in. The past two weeks have been a bit strange for the eating agenda, especially the past week when I was out of town for a few days visiting my cousin Betty in Danville.

Betty is a very good cook and even tho I offer to take her out for lunch or dinner, she will hear nothing of it. Of course the good thing is that she is such an exceptional host. Being a very loving mother and grandmother, she is one of those folks that relatives love to stop in and visit with; extremely accommodating. Taking advantage of that gave me a chance to catch up with most all of my cousins that are in my generation. It was a wonderful, altho short, visit.

I won't go thru the whole list of foods that Betty and other relatives prepared, but suffice to say they still believe in the Breakfast, Dinner and Supper paradigm. There are no small, or low calorie, meals to be seen anywhere. Biscuits, country ham, gravy, fried chicken, spaghetti and homemade meat marinara, pancakes, real bacon, real coffee and down home sweet tea. I hesitate to even mention the desserts, especially the blackberry cobbler! What more could a guy ask. Had I stayed longer I would have been in the 'weight gain' mode for sure. :-)

Knowing what was coming, I had reduced calorie intake significantly the previous week, and continued that approach upon my mid-week return to the Big Town of Savage. So, after two weeks at a stationary weight and good calorie control while at home, I see a 3 pound reduction spread over the past 4 weeks.

I can actually tell those three pounds are gone too. You know how sometimes when you're trying to lose, you can actually feel you belt being a bit easier to buckle or your Birkenstocks feel looser on your feet; well that's the way I feel this week. Even with the high calorie interlude at Betty's, the average daily intake over the past two weeks is under 2000 calories per day; pretty good, I think.

Looking at my schedule for this week, the only potential compromise situation is that my son-in-law will be spending two or three nights with me, which means I'll probably be cooking for the two of us...likely to be a bit more appetizing and filling than my normal 'for me only' meals. :-)

We'll see if I can maintain or show a slight drop next week.

Do good stuff; have some fun,

PS - Here's an update to the little progress chart that I use as a desktop reminder. After about two months we're looking at about 12 lbs, not all bad!

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