It reflects the way many of us here in Maryland feel about our Democrat governor, Martin O'Malley, and the Democrat dominated state legislature. No new spending requirement is too much for them to handle by adding new taxes and fees.
They were saved this year by the Obama bail out money directed to Maryland by our 'spend it all' senator, Barb Mikulski and her younger senator trainee Ben Cardin. Next year will be a different story.
This legislature and governor have no concept of fiscal restraint in spending, no idea of what a real reduction in spending is. They constantly play the role, as does congress, by telling their constituents they cut spending and what they've really done is reduce proposed spending in a future year to a level that is still considerably higher than current spending on the same item.
One of the best things to happen to Maryland was the four years that Republican governor Bob Ehrlich was in office with the Dem dominated legislature. Basically, nothing got done. Spending was restrained and the state prospered. Gotta luv a Republican governor and a Democrat legislature.
I felt so strongly about it that I had a few bumper stickers printed to go on the back of my two trucks and the ol' van.

Ponder it,
PS - The best thing in the world for the citizens of the United States is a divided government. When the government leadership is divided, major changes never happen, which is as it should be. It's a situation where new laws will be supported by both parties, or they won't pass or will be vetoed.
If our current US Congress had divided leadership, ObamaCare wouldn't exist. You gotta luv stalemates in government leadership!!!
PPS - Just had an email from ol' buddy Bill, who was fined by the state of Maryland for not having enough income tax withheld from his pay. Fine was $99 on a $1200 deficit. All I can say is that if you live in Maryland, try to grab your wallet before O'Malley does!!!
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