Sunday, December 27, 2009

Liberal Gerrymandered Maryland Election Districts

This map shows Maryland's election districts following the redistricting from the 2000 census data. The liberal Dems completely controlled the Maryland state house and the governor's office when this was put in place.

If you click on the map for a larger image, you can see the completely unrealistic divisions designed to minimize conservative voting blocks by folding them in with ultra liberal voting areas or isolating them completely with other conservative areas into a single district. This was done with the 6th district that stretches from Maryland's western border eastward two-thirds of the way across the state into the northern moderate/conservative portion of Cecil county.

They've done similar with the eastern shore counties of Maryland, but in an attempt to dilute the conservative votes by wrapping the district around into liberal portions of Cecil and Baltimore counties.

The Big Town of Savage is in the southeast portion of Howard County and has a moderate voting block. To minimize that effect, we've been combined in a district that encompasses ultra liberal portion of Baltimore City.

I only resurrected this information because, as you may or may not be aware, there is another census taking place in 2010. At one time I thought the gerrymandering couldn't get any worse than that which was done under Glendenning last time.

However, as I mentioned, the whole state is completely controlled by ultra liberal Dems today. The only voting that isn't affected is for president, and Maryland's electoral votes go for the Dem almost every election.

I don't know what your state looks like for election districts, but I'll bet it's been gerrymandered to hell also. Maybe there should be some laws that voting districts should be compact and centralized instead of this comedic, if it wasn't so serious, result.

Ponder it and vote the bastards out next election,

PS - Feel free to add your comments on this hideous depiction of election districts, especially your thots on the geographic area that includes the Baltimore, Washington & Annapolis triangle. Talk about horrible!!!

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