Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas from the BToS

This image is from the Frederick News-Post earlier this week and appears to have been taken during our recent nor'easter that inundated us with about 18" of snow here in the Big Town of Savage and a bit more 40 miles west of here in the Frederick, MD vicinity where the foto was likely taken.

It's been 4 days now since the snow stopped and while the roads are pretty clear, they still have significant slippery drainage areas each morning after the below freezing overnight temps.

Forecast is for significant rain on Christmas Day. Given the hardened snow/ice in the drainage areas of the BToS streets it's possible we'll see slight flooding before the temps warm enough to actually clear a much of the remaining (maybe 13") snow during the extended rain period.

Merry Christmas to you and yours from the white-Christmas Big Town of Savage,
JD, waiting for Christmas dinner

PS - Here's a shot from about 1951 showing Dewey (JD) with his dog Cookie.

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