Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Costco's Got Me Where They Want Me

I made my regular trip to Costco this morning with the intention of buying some new rechargeable AA batteries for my camera. Turns out I was trying to recharge the original alkaline batteries that came with the camera which proved to be less than a success.

So here I am in the middle of the freezer section getting ready to get a box of Mystic Pizzas and I look in the cart and I can't figure out how all those items got in the cart!

I thot it was getting pretty heavy to push and here I have a seemingly huge bag of Scotts Turf Builder w/weed control, a case of diet Cokes, a case of green tea in plastic bottles, bananas, grapes, popcorn, and lord only knows what else. I even had the batteries w/charger.

Sometime you don't know you need stuff until you're walking the aisles at Costco. What I originally figured would be a less than $50 trip turned out to be a $139 trip...there are times when I think Costco has me by the balls and forces me to buy all that stuff!!!

Ponder it,

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