Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Taste of a Maple Nut Chocolate Easter Egg - 2 years later

In an earlier post I noted that I am a terrible clutterer. Occasionally I find myself rooting thru clutter in my basic storage room. I tend to keep the door shut on that room during cold weather to save a few cents on the heating bill.

While rooting after the new year, I ran across a Maple Nut Chocolate Easter Egg in a decorative bag like those in the foto. My recollection was that Lana and Barb couldn't find those bags for the 2010 egg product and had to use decorated plastic bags.

So I concluded that this egg would be from Easter 2009, almost 2 years old. Being the kinda guy that will try almost anything once, I took it out of the decorative bag and the plastic wrapping. It felt HARD, but then they feel kinda hard when first made if they're chilled.

I sliced the end off and it sort of crunched a bit with small pieces breaking off the main slice. Being the 'taste it' kinda guy that I am, I immediately popped one of the small pieces in my mouth. As soon as the warm juices of my mouth enveloped that egg sliver, the wonderful flavors burst upon my taste buds.

Doggone thing still tasted awfully good, even tho it was a bit crunchy. I finished that small end slice and tried another. Every bit as good!

I sent it on to Lana. She said, "I'm not putting anything that old in my mouth." She wouldn't taste it. I have it back again and plan a small sliver after dinner tonite.

Just cause it's old; don't mean it ain't good!!!

Ponder and enjoy,

PS - It's almost time for Lana and Barb to crank up the Chocolate Easter Egg machine for this Easter. I'll keep you updated on their progress.

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