Monday, October 31, 2011

Monday Halloween Sunrise - Chilly

Sunrise on Halloween Day here in the Big Town of Savage. We no longer have to watch for our first frost.

Saturday was just a complete loss with cold temps, rain and rain/snow mix in the afternoon and evening. Sunday was sunny, dry and chilly. It's not winter yet, but certainly time to find a bit of warmer clothing to wear outside.

As the week progresses, temps are to moderate with sunny skies and temps in the upper 60s. Halloween evening, however, will be chilly. I've become one of those hermit type folks that kind of hide from Halloween. I'll douse the lights and retreat to my lower level and play on the internet and possibly catch up on some recorded TV shows.

And that's Halloween excitement from here in the BToS.


PS - My yearly checkup with dermatologist, Dr Damm, this morning. He may be the fastest doctor in the world. He's never late for an appointment and he never fails to find a lot of little thingies on my body that need to be removed. Just another day at the office for him and a bit of mid-morning excitement for me.

PPS - Excellent race at the PAPERCLIP yesterday. Shame ESPN had to once again display their techno-glitz and completely miss the flow and major action of the race. It's hard to enjoy even a great race when ESPN TVs it.

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