Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Martinsville still has what Bristol lost - EXCITEMENT

The beatin' n bangin' and rubbin' n racin' we saw at Martinsville Sunday is a sample of the racing we lost at Bristol when they redid the track surface and went to variable banking.

Prior to the new track, racers would have to boot someone out of the way to pass them, mainly because like Martinsville the fastest way around the track was on the bottom. With variable banking now at Bristol cars can actually run side by side in a monotonous parade that will likely put you to sleep.

Basically, variable banking sucks for providing exciting racing. More details in my earlier post on Bristol Variable Banking.

Track owners are caught up in variable banking, the flavor of the day, and unfortunately we'll likely see more of it rather than less. Side by side racing on variable banking generally SUCKS!

JD, here in the BToS lamenting the old days of rubbin' n racin'.

PS - Practically no snow here in the BToS Saturday...just a wet, rainy day with a little snow/rain mix late in the afternoon.

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