Sunday, March 31, 2013

Behind A Distracted Driver - Left Turn Lane

Did you ever get in one of those situations where you are 4th or 5th in a line of cars waiting at a red left turn signal.  The left turn arrow switches to green, 2 cars go thru right away, but the third one sits there like the driver doesn't know what's happening, then the light changes and the one in front of you zooms out thru the yellow/red turn signal to leave you and 2 other cars behind you waiting for another light cycle.

Seems that happens to me quite often here in Central Maryland where the BToS is located.  Ten years ago I would figure two people in the car were so wrapped up in a conversation that the driver didn't notice the light change, looked up, saw the yellow and put the throttle down to get thru before the red arrow caught 'em.

Today, the driver in front of me typically seems to be looking at their lap or to their dashboard where my radio is located.  Not knowing any better, I can only assume the the driver is engrossed in some electronic enigma with the dashboard computer screen or in the midst of an exciting discussion with an acquaintance on their mobile device.

In either case, it's all I can do to keep from getting pissed off about it.  Light signals today respond to vehicle triggers and when no vehicle is triggering it, they switch to their next mode to allow other lanes to flow.  The traffic signal doesn't know I'm still sitting there because some inattentive driver was ignorant of the traffic signal's change.

We all get completely focused on an event when we're driving from time to time for various reasons.  If the worst example that you and I ever experience is to be caught at a stop light for another cycle then we're very fortunate.  Others end up permanently damaged or dead from accidents caused by distracted drivers.

I guess I should be giving thanks this Easter Sunday morning that I've not been in one of those accidents causing me serious physical or fiscal damage.  If the worst thing I ever have to endure is waiting a couple of minutes for another traffic light cycle, then I consider myself lucky.

Having said all that, I still do get pissed at distracted drivers that cause me to miss a traffic light left turn cycle.

JD, here in the BToS vowing to NOT get too irritated at distracted drivers.

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