Thursday, March 07, 2013

This is BToS with 5-7" of snow

I've always been a sort of weather geek since I was a kid.  Weather patterns and predictions always fascinated me.  I could never have devoted the time and energy it takes to become a meteorologist, but you probably know how peculiar us amateurs can be when it comes to 'predicting'.

Given every weather forecast for yesterday was calling for significant snowfall for the Baltimore/Washington vicinity and given we were to be on the magic line delineating snow and rain, I knew it could go either way.   I also knew that the ground temp was very warm and wouldn't support a long life for any snow that fell.  After it is the first week of March.

My favorite kind of snow is for the grass to be white and roads to be black.  I figured that all the heat from the almost 12 hours of sunlight each day had warmed the roads to the point where everything would melt rather quickly.  My only disappointment was that we got all rain in the latter portion of the storm, wiping out almost all the lawn snow.

Today grass is green and roads are drying from the strong sunlight and winds from the back side of the storm.

JD, celebrating a wet version of 'my kinda snowfall' here in the BToS.

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