Sunday, December 15, 2013

Hot Shower - No Ear Wax Buildup

I tend to be a morning hot shower kinda guy.  Of course, I get up and have something for breakfast, spend a bit of time on the internet checking news, emails, social media, etc.  After an hour or so of that stuff, I'm ready for my hot shower.

Keeping my hair short so that it never needs combing and keeping a typically stubbly beard, there's little, if any, grooming beyond brushing my teeth and swishing some mouthwash.

I use neither shampoo nor conditioner and kind of start at the top of my head with a bar of Dove soap, lathering it all up including my ear canals.  Then I rinse my entire head with the very warm water, pausing a bit on each side to allow the water to wash everything out of my ear canals.  You can imagine the remainder of the shower is just lathering up and rinsing too.

I share this as I have never in my 72 years had a problem with wax buildup in my ears.  I believe it's from the hot water showering my ears each morning.

I recall many women, and possibly men, wearing a shower cap and not allowing water into the ears.  I was in the shower this morning when it occurred to me they may suffer ear wax buildup because they don't get the warm rinse in their ears each morning.

JD, here in the BToS pondering a hot shower tomorrow morning.

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