Friday, July 06, 2012

My Netflix Queue Has One Flick

Didja ever run out of movies to watch?  Is your Netflix queue, like mine, down to one solitary flick!

I'm not sure how long I've been a member of a basic Netflix subscription of 2 movies each month, but when I look through their movies to find something interesting, I notice there are few flicks I haven't already watched at least once; hence the barren Netflix queue.

Like many folks there are certain movie genres that I enjoy, typically those with a feel-good ending.  I'm not big on ACTION flicks nor dark dramas.  I'll tellya, even being an old fart here in the BToS, I like Mary Poppins occasionally.

Guess I'm just lamenting my empty queue.  Netflix is scheduled to distribute my next flick July 7, the beginning of my next paid period.  Since I have only one left in the queue and haven't been successful at adding more the past week, I may just have to suspend my subscription until I can find another flick I might enjoy.

JD, soon to be Netflickless here in the BToS

PS - It's been almost 25 years since I visited a movie theater.  That's something else I don't plan to change.  I think HD DVD players and huge HD TVs have just about made theaters obsolete for folks like me.  Now if I only had a set of high quality speakers for my BIG TV!!!

PPS - I thot a 60" HD TV was large until I noticed an 80" model yesterday at Costco...obviously, this old fart here in the BToS won't be buying one of those any time soon.

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