Friday, August 10, 2012

Down Home Again - At Least In My Head

I was born in Danville, VA and as a kid I always loved the time spent with my aunt (momma's sister) and uncle, and my extended family of cousins down there.  One summer when my father had a long stay in the hospital I spent the best part of the summer there until daddy was on his feet again.

I had just turned 15 and each cousin 'volunteered' to put me up for a week or so with their family.  It wasn't too long until I felt right at home and even learned to talk like a southern boy.  When I got back home by the end of summer, I had to learn the Maryland language again.  I suspect by the time school started that fall, I was back to normal.

When I first got married, my wife and I spent part of a vacation visiting my Danville cousins.  It was a whole lot of fun for me and the new cousins all got to meet each other, young and old.  On the drive back home, my wife mentioned that when I get with my cousins I start to talk just like they do.  It appeared that when I'd get down home again, I'd go back to the wonderful time I spent with family in Danville.  Sure came natural to me!!!

JD, here in central Maryland talking that Maryland talk.

PS - A telemarketing phone call from Atlanta caused me to revert to my down-home talk again earlier this week.  A wonderful down-home speaking lady was trying to interest me in a Suntrust Visa card.  Like most, I probably have more than enough credit cards, but I found myself relishing the time talking to this lady.  It was wonderful, even though I passed on the new Visa card.

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