Saturday, September 01, 2012

Garbage/Recycle - Is tonight the night?

Recycle containers for here in the BToS

Earlier tonight I wasn't sure about the day of the week and wondered if I had to set out the garbage or the recycle before hitting the sack. After determining it was Saturday night, I breathed a slight sigh of relief, tonight isn't a set out night.

Monday is recycle night and Wednesday is garbage night. I set out the containers and bags before I go to bed. Usually by the time I'm ready for bed, I'm in no mood to be carrying heavy bags or heavy containers out to the curb. Since I'm not an early riser, I have to set it out at night. I have no idea what time the collection rascals will show to pick it up, or if they'll show up at all. Local government says they won't be here before 6 am, but that's before I get outta bed most days.

To make it more confusing, on holiday weeks like this week which has Labor Day on Monday, the days after the holiday become part of a slide week. Collection schedule slides a day. With Labor Day on Monday, my Tuesday and Thursday collection days will slide to Wednesday and Friday.

I don't know how they keep their schedule straight, but typically the collection folks show on the correct slide day. Guess I have the local government management folks to thank for that. And that's good, 'cause there aren't a whole lot of things to thank them for. I'm just kidding, if they knew I felt that way, they'd never collect the garbage and would probably want my recycle bin returned.

JD, here in the BToS relishing the night off from trash/recycle set outs.

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