Monday, October 01, 2012

I didn't realize I was on hiatus

I typically visit 'Thots from the BToS' each morning to check for new posts on some of my favorite blogs.  This morning I noticed the date on my last post was the first of September.  Today is the first of October.  While not intentional, obviously I have been on hiatus.

During the past month I have had thots of what I considered good subjects for a blog post, but possibly due to the forgetfulness I notice coming on as I age, I can't recall the subject by the time I make it to my computer.  Yes, I'm still one of those folks that actually use a desktop computer with a full keyboard and a 24" monitor.  I'm more comfortable there than I would be poking at some mobile device and needing to be 'online' with everyone all the time.

This post is merely an observation that I have indeed been online.  I will volunteer that my life is getting back a bit closer to normal than it has been for the past 10 months or so when I had Bella Boxer living here along with her family.  If my mind is still capable of blogging, we'll know as the month wears on, won't we.  :-)

JD, resting up here in the BToS

PS - Yes I do have a FB account and visit it at least once each day, generally right after visiting 'Thots from the BToS'

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