Monday, October 29, 2012

Frankenstorm SANDY TV Stomps ELECTION TV

What a refreshing change to TV news this morning, Monday, October 29th.  Election Politics has been pushed to the back burner here in the northeastern United States by TV coverage of Frankenstorm SANDY.

I've always been a weather geek kinda guy and loved The Weather Channel before it was bought out by NBC and 'prettied up'.  But, I actually had The Weather Channel on this morning and except for their 'scare you to death' projections, it was good accurate coverage. Local channel WBAL in Baltimore also had some excellent weather coverage. 

It's the first time since 2012 Presidential politics got cranked up back in the summer that I can recall actually having the bedroom TV playing while I was doing my morning bathroom/shower duties.

Not only that, but an ol' coworker named SANDY is having a ball with her own hurricane.

JD, here in the BToS loving the lessened election TV coverage attitude of today's TV programming.


Unknown said...

I made the blog! :-)

Unknown said...

I made the blog !! :-)