Monday, October 22, 2012

Sun Shines In Windshield -- To and From Work

 Uncredited Photo

Are you East-Wester or a West-Easter?  Are you looking into bright sun on the morning drive to work or is the sun shining in your rear window?

I spent 44 years on the job as an East-Wester, driving east to work in morning.  The blinding sun shining into my eyes during morning drive to work and sun glaring into my eyes on the way home from work.  East-Westers get it both ways.  Each drive to and from work is a challenge, especially if you drive over hilly terrain where the sun shines right into your eyes when cresting a hill.  Yep, the BToS just happens to be west of my work location.

My ol' buddy Clarke was a West-Easter and had no idea what it was like to drive into the sun's rays morning or evening.  He arrived at work complaining about the drivers instead of complaining about the sun in his eyes.  I always envied the boy.

Fortunately, my drive to work was only about 15 minutes and being fairly tall I could hide the sun behind the roof edge at the top of the windshield.  However, I notice with today's vehicles the windshield seems to come a long way back over the driver's head, exposing them to full sun and requiring use of the sunshade.

The reason this phenomenon occurred to me is that my daughter and family moved across the bay bridge.  Son-in-law is now a West-Easter and I think he's a whole lot happier when he arrives home in the evening with happy 'no-sun in the eyes syndrome'.

JD, here in the BToS watching the sun rise over the ol' school.

PS - I think that's why I enjoyed working the midnight shift so much, no sun in the eyes to or from work.

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