Tuesday, October 02, 2012

No Primary Care Physician - Flu Shot

About five years ago my primary care physician moved on from the local medical group I was using.  At the time I was a regular with a cardio group and had no real need for a primary care doctor.

First year I needed a flu shot and primary wasn't available, I noticed a facility called Patient First while on way to grocery.  I had heard they were excellent, with speedy service and required no appointment.  Indeed they were.  After taking my medical insurance info, I was out of there in no time flat with flu and pneumonia shot (I had become of age for this one).

I'm still a regular with the cardio group and still have no primary.  Each year I make my way to Patient First for the flu shot.  This morning a pleasant young lady named Elizabeth registered me.  Her name tag said Liz and I found she definitely does not like to be called 'Lizzy'!

Thanks Patient First

JD, protected against main stream flu here in the BToS

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