Monday, December 03, 2012

Ally McBeal Monday - Progress Report

 Ally McBeal Monday's were suspended about 4 months ago, due to circumstances beyond my control.  Return to Ally McBeal Monday begins tonight. 

To tell the truth, circumstances weren't beyond my control, it was more a matter of my live-in relatives being more interested in watching some new, original TV programming.  If I didn't already mention it, live-in folks have moved across the water to their new home and I now have the freedom to schedule my own TV activity.

This is a good time of year to watch a series like Ally McBeal.  Many of the regular shows I watch seem to go on a Holiday Hiatus while the networks fill time with feel-good holiday programming and seemingly endless sports programming.  I like a teary Christmas movie as well as the next guy, but I have to tellya that some of the new productions over on the Hallmark channel seem to be thrown together and have so much background music that I find them hard to watch.

Most difficult part of resuming Ally McBeal Monday will be to determine which episode I last watched.  Since I have control of the TV, I'll likely make it a complete Ally McBeal Monday by watching at least 2 episodes each Monday, about 90 minutes.  I'll be ready for bed by then.

JD, gearing up for Ally McBeal Monday again here in the BToS

PS - First night Ally Monday on new schedule was a success.  Located which episode to watch and managed to watch two and am back in the groove.

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