Monday, June 01, 2009

Stomach Stretch - Eat Too Much - Update 2

It's Monday morning and time to update my actual weight, including those incredibly heavy skivvies.
255 - 18 May
254 - 25 May
251 - 1 June

And you're right again, four pounds isn't much change for a two week start. However, you've gotta realize my goal in doing this is a slow, constant weight reduction. The goal is not one of crashing to a lower weight.

I have reduced significantly my intake of candies and cookies, but my calorie per-day intake is still considerably higher than the 1800-2000 that I try to adhere to when attempting a weight reduction process.

One enjoyable excursion this week was a trip to the Sunset Restaurant Thursday nite to enjoy my 68th birthday with some of my family. As you may recall from an earlier post, the Sunset Restaurant in Glen Burnie may be my favorite. It was very enjoyable, altho I did eat a bit too much...but isn't that what birthday dinners are for. :-)

We'll see how things go this week. They start off with the first of the month Old Farts' Lunch today at Jim's Hideaway; home of truly large portions.


PS - This is one of the neat birthday gifts I received. Fortunately I already had a really strong hook to hang it on; 'cause if you know me, you also know just how lazy I can be at times. :-)

1 comment:

SavageMdUSA said...

I'm not very good at remembering all my friends' birthdays...SORRY! I hope that you had a nice one.