Monday, June 08, 2009

Stomach Stretch - Eat Too Much - Update 3

It's Monday morning and time to update my actual weight, while wearing those incredibly, super heavy skivvies (I actually do wash them!)
255 - 18 May
254 - 25 May
251 - 1 June
249 - 8 June

It's a slow go, but that's the way old folks like it. Slow and easy. My calorie cutback is still a minor one. I'm down about 100 calories average daily consumption this week compared to last week, just under 2200.

I had two luncheons and a birthday party last week, all killed my reduction for the day. Why do old farts like me get carried away when eating out?

I thot about that question for a while and decided that I'm not the type that can go to a restaurant that has really good food and just eat a salad or a lite meal. If I'm gonna go to the trouble to go out to eat (and pay for it), then I want something to eat that's gonna be satisfying and enjoyable. I've never been able to get much enjoyment from a plate of greens, no matter how they're dressed!!!

My salads at home consist of a lot of small chunky pieces of stuff of all different colors, but very little of the leafy green stuff. I figure that leafy stuff is only in a salad to give the dressing something to stick to and make a mess on your lips when you try to eat it. No, green leafy stuff just isn't my salad deal.

I noticed one other thing at the luncheon at the local Macaroni Grill. They have a dish I enjoy called Penne Rustica. The one thing in this dish that provides its unique flavor is prosciutto ham. It also has chicken chunks and small shrimp.

The waiter mentioned that many of his customers now request less prosciutto and more chicken. I told him that the prosciutto was what provided the true flavor to the Penne Rustica dish and that I wouldn't enjoy it with less prosciutto and more chicken (Columbia is that kind of town - health oriented). "Why make it bland?" I told him I would prefer extra prosciutto and less chicken (talk about bland food - chicken breast chunks)! It was GREAT! Here's a shot of the Penne Rustica entry off the local menu.
If the print is too small, click on the image for a larger one.

Birthday deal for my son, who turned 35, was excellent. I grilled some of those wonderful Hebrew National franks and made a batch of Leroy's hot dog chili. We had some slaw available so it was chili, slaw dogs for most (some folks just don't like slaw on 'em). I splurged and had two of 'em along with some excellent potato salad my daughter provided. My son's grandmother made a strawberry cake and my daughter prepared a wonderful creamy white icing for it. Needless to say, the lunch time birthday deal killed my daily allotment of calories (+). But, as I mentioned in an earlier post, that's what birthday celebrations are all about, have some fun and enjoy it.

The extreme rain conditions of the week made outdoor activities kind of slow. I got some exercise walking behind a cart in the aisles of Costco Thursday and walking behind the lawn mower Sunday evening after the NASCAR CUP Race from Pocono.

No eating out plans for this week, so possibly I can get the daily calorie count down closer to 2000. That won't meet my 1800 goal, but it'll be continued improvement. I'll see how it goes.

Do good stuff; have some fun,

PS - Man those chili slaw dogs were good. I think I still have some chili and slaw in the fridge. Do I hear lunch calling already at 8 AM??? After all, the sugar kick from those KKs at breakfast won't last toooooo long. I neglected to mention buying a dozen KKs last week (most are in the freezer awaiting morning breakfasts).

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