Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Beater GMC Safari - Gone to a better place

2003 GMC Safari
Somewhere, someplace, someone is getting some use out of the ol' Beater Van. As I mentioned in an earlier post about the van, I originally purchased it as an AWD winter vehicle that could be used for toting large boxes and also people at times.

Back in March I decided that 4 winter seasons was enough use of the ol' van to make the purchase worthwhile; one was the terrible snow winter we had a couple of years ago. So I figured I'd just sell the thing.

At my age I don't really enjoy dealing with folks to sell things. I'd rather just have the stuff go away and maybe bring me a few bucks. No one came forward to purchase the ol' beater van at a give-away price, so I decided to give it to my grandson, who's 19 years old and in college. I figured that he could use a little extra money anyway.

He's quite a bit more aggressive selling stuff than I am. I think he uses Craigslist for much of his stuff. He had the ol' beater van for about 10 days and sold it for twice what I was hoping to get for it. What more can a grandfather ask. The ol' beater van is gone and grandson has a bit more spending money.

JD, van-less here in the BToS

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