Monday, June 29, 2009

Stomach Stretch - Eat Too Much - Update 6

It's definitely Monday again and time for the weekly update on the ol' scale activity this morning.

255 - 18 May
254 - 25 May
251 - 1 June
249 - 8 June
247 - 15 June
246 - 22 June
246 - 29 June

It has been a confusing week on my weight front. As you can tell from the ol' box turtle in the foto, he doesn't know whether to continue in the direction he's been in for the first 5 weeks of this Stomach Stretch exercise, or whether to turn 'right'; confusion reigns.

Based on that observation, I have ambivalent feelings about this week's update. On the one hand I had hoped to possibly drop another pound or two, but instead as you've seen I am at the same weight for the second, consecutive Monday.

That result can also be a positive in that while the ol' box turtle doesn't know whether to go right or left, at least it hasn't reversed itself and turned backward. A week to stabilize weight can be a good thing too. As a reminder, I'm being very consistent and honest on the scales, weighing at the same time, right out of bed, before any food or drink on Monday morning while wearing the same/similar pair of heavy skivvies.

Average daily calorie count for the week was just over 2000. Tuesday evening I had a belated Father's Day dinner with my son and his wife at the Hunan 'l Rose in Odenton. Easy to overdo calories at this excellent Chinese restaurant.

My son-in-law was with me for two nights this week and forced to eat my cooking. First night was beef stew over biscuits, made from the pot roast of the previous weekend and the second night was deep-fried chicken wings (spicy from being soaked in Frank's Red Hot Sauce before flouring). I suspect I over did it both evenings. Definitely two nights of delicious (high calorie) food. I suffered during the day. :-)

I also had a bowl of Vanilla Bean ice cream with strawberries over it twice that week.

Only real exercise was Saturday evening when I mowed the lawn. No exciting food forays planned for this week. But as we all know, plans are oft-times scuttled.

Do good stuff; have some fun,

PS - Here's a simple chart of progress (lack of)...

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