Monday, July 06, 2009

Stomach Stretch - Eat Too Much - Update 7

It's definitely Monday again and time for this week's update on the morning weigh-in.

255 - 18 May
254 - 25 May
251 - 1 June
249 - 8 June
247 - 15 June
246 - 22 June
246 - 29 June
246 - 6 July

As you can see from the ol' box turtle's continued left turn, I am definitely a slacker with no progress this week. My average daily calorie intake for the first 5 days of July was just over 2300. That is entirely too much for me and will likely lead to a weight gain vice weight loss. Obviously, considering that calorie reading, this morning's scale result was kind to me and will probably be higher tomorrow, no matter what I do today.

Looking back over this week, I see two episodes of Vanilla Bean ice cream and Hershey's chocolate syrup...definitely toooooooooooooooo much. It's pretty obvious that I should NOT keep that Vanilla Bean ice cream in the freezer. I went to the Bottom of The Bay Wednesday night with old crony John where we had some steamed crabs and shared a pitcher of beer. Crabs were very good as was the beer; definitely not diet beer either. Conversation was excellent; good to catch up with John and update family happenings.

Exercise this week consisted primarily of 2 hours of lawn maint on Friday afternoon. I'll need to revisit it again Tuesday or Wednesday of this week. I also managed to trudge my way thru both Costco and Sam's this week, traversing most of the aisles. It had been a long time since I actually looked at all the shelves in either store. Those rascals sneak stuff in and out on you and you need to keep up. I usually go there with a short list of 'needs' and make a quick run thru the store to keep from splurging too much.

What today's scale result tells me is:
That I need someone/something to get my attention back on to closer monitoring of my calorie intake. If I belonged to a social weight-control outfit, I'd have a room full of folks to prod me on to success. Since I don't, I'll just have to slap myself in the face. Posting this report each Monday morning does just that for me and provides a bit of a catharsis too.

I hope this Monday review will be an eye-opener and lead me to a more dedicated approach. When you reach my age of 68, you have to really try to control your weight and get some cardio to help your body make it thru to the end still functioning properly. Carrying too much weight around is a major health issue as it's hard on every part of the body from heart to joints, and I can't afford it!!!


PS - Son-in-law will be spending 2 nights with me this week. He can be a bad influence when it comes to food...I'll have to keep my eye on that rascal!!!

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