Monday, August 03, 2009

Stomach Stretch - Eat Too Much - Update 10

'Tis Monday and time for my weekly update on the ol' Stomach Stretch. Here's this morning's result.

255 - 18 May
254 - 25 May
251 - 1 June
249 - 8 June
247 - 15 June
246 - 22 June
246 - 29 June
246 - 6 July
243 - 20 July
243 - 27 July
243 - 3 August

As you can tell from the ol' box turtle looking left, this was another week of body stabilization. What that really means in this case is two weeks with no change. As I previously stated, while 'no change' is not necessarily bad, it reflects a lack of commitment on my part.

Obviously, I've been content with the status quo and enjoying regular meals rather than reducing my average daily calorie intake even more. This is the second time I've posted a 2-week 'no change' Stomach Stretch Report. This week's average daily calorie intake is about 2050.

Nothing outstanding this week on the eating side of the equation. Also nothing to report in the exercise arena beyond a couple of interesting walks around the BToS (Big Town of Savage) and perusing the aisles of Costco and Sam's Club. I will attempt to increase the length of my walks and if the good karma induced rain will stay away today, possibly I can spend 90 minutes walking behind the ol' Toro in mulch mode, for the first time in 2 weeks.
This week will be doubly difficult as son-in-law will be staying with me for 3 nights. Oh, there is one thing to report. He and my daughter finally decided on a vehicle and hopefully I can get a couple of fotos Monday evening or Tuesday morning to post for you. I haven't seen it yet, so it'll be my first chance to check it out.

Not an exciting report, but it gave me a chance to review my status and gear up for this week.


PS - I have noticed one thing about visiting Costco and Sam's. Make sure your visit is on a full stomach. The last thing you want to do is walk through all that tasty looking food when you're hungry (not to mention the lunch time tasting sessions they have going on.

Allowing yourself to visit these stores while hungry results in this type purchase; Svenhards Petite Danish. I'll freeze those rascals today when I open them, so I can enjoy 'em one at a time (at about 200 calories each, I'll have to take that approach). The blueberry crumb thingies on the plate were provided by sister-in-law who tries to fatten me even as I attempt to lose a bit. Appears one or two are missing from the plate.

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